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The Blue Girl Cont


I must have fallen asleep at some point, because Avalon was suddenly shaking me awake.


“Come on, we’re making a trip into town,” she told me. “Natasha . . . Nat, don’t make me drag you out of bed.”


“Fine,” I grumbled, peeling my eyes open.


I stretched before shoving the covers off and getting ready. By the time I got down to the kitchen I could smell steak and vegetables, making my stomach grumble. Since we didn’t have steak and vegetables, I figured Avalon was making soup.


I ditched my bag on a chair like the day before then went about grabbing the bowls and spoons.


“Managed to get the better of the can opener today?” I asked Avalon.


“This one had a pull tab on the top. No evil can opener required,” she responded, sticking her tongue out at the drawer where the opener was stored.


“So, soup for breakfast?”


“If you can eat pancakes for dinner, you can eat soup for breakfast. Besides, unless you want crackers or pasta, this is all we got.”


“Fair enough,” I agreed as she flicked the stove off. “So, plan of attack, since you’re not going to let this go?”


“Head to the library and see what they have on dead girls in the forest. Obituaries, folklore, whatever we can find about her and getting rid of ghosts. Get through all that, and then go shopping the stores for flashlights, batteries, and food.”


“I’m fine with reading up on her, but do we really have to go look for her again? She doesn’t like us.”


“She doesn’t like anyone, she’s a ghost,” Avalon said pointedly. “And if you’re so scared, you can hang out back here.”


“Stay in an old, spooky house alone, and become the star of my own horror film? No thanks. We stand a better chance at making it into the sequel if we stick together.”


“Glad to know you’re on board.” Avalon smiled before going back to her soup.


“Whatever. But if we get killed, it is so your fault.”




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